How to Get Spotify to Show on Lock Screen Android

 Are you a Spotify user who wants to have quick and easy access to your favorite music even when your Android device is locked? In this article, we will guide you through the steps to get Spotify to show on the lock screen of your Android device. By following these simple instructions, you'll be able to control your Spotify playback without having to unlock your phone every time. Let's dive in!

Overview of Spotify on Android

Before we begin, let's understand how Spotify works on Android devices. Spotify is a popular music streaming platform that allows users to discover and listen to millions of songs from various genres. By default, Spotify does not show on the lock screen of your Android device. However, with a few simple settings adjustments, you can make it appear and have more control over your music playback.

Enabling Lock Screen Controls for Spotify

To get Spotify to show on your Android lock screen, follow these steps:

Step 1: Launch the Spotify App

Open the Spotify app on your Android device. If you don't have it installed, you can download it from the Google Play Store.

Step 2: Access Settings

Tap on the "Home" tab located at the bottom of the screen. Then, tap on the gear icon at the top-right corner to access the settings menu.

Step 3: Navigate to Playback Settings

Scroll down in the settings menu and find the "Playback" option. Tap on it to access the playback settings.

Step 4: Enable Lock Screen Controls

In the playback settings, you will find the "Show Controls on Lock Screen" option. Enable this option by toggling the switch to the "On" position.

Step 5: Confirm the Changes

Exit the settings menu by tapping the back arrow or using the navigation gestures of your device. Your changes will be saved automatically.

Setting Spotify as the Default Music Player

If you want Spotify to be your default music player on your Android device, follow these additional steps:

Step 1: Access Android Settings

Navigate to the "Settings" app on your Android device. You can usually find it in your app drawer or by swiping down on the notification panel and tapping the gear icon.

Step 2: Go to Apps & Notifications

Scroll down in the settings menu and find the "Apps & Notifications" option. Tap on it to access the app settings.

Step 3: Select Default Apps

Look for the "Default Apps" or "Default Applications" option and tap on it. This will allow you to set your default music player.

Step 4: Choose Spotify as the Default

Under the "Music Player" or "Music App" section, select Spotify from the list of available apps. This will set Spotify as your default music player.

Troubleshooting: Spotify Not Showing on Lock Screen

If Spotify is not showing on your lock screen even after enabling the necessary settings, you can try the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Restart Your Device: Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve minor software glitches and make Spotify appear on the lock screen.
  2. Update Spotify: Ensure that you have the latest version of the Spotify app installed on your Android device. Open the Google Play Store, search for Spotify, and tap the "Update" button if an update is available.
  3. Clear App Cache: Access the app settings on your Android device, find Spotify, and tap on "Storage." Then, tap on "Clear Cache" to remove temporary data that might be causing the issue.
  4. Reinstall Spotify: If all else fails, try uninstalling and reinstalling the Spotify app. This will ensure that you have a fresh installation, potentially resolving any underlying problems.

In conclusion, getting Spotify to show on the lock screen of your Android device is a simple process that enhances your music listening experience. By enabling lock screen controls and setting Spotify as the default music player, you can conveniently control your music playback without having to unlock your phone. Follow the steps outlined in this article to enjoy seamless access to your favorite tunes right from your lock screen.


Q1: Can I control Spotify playback from the lock screen on all Android devices?
Yes, the ability to control Spotify playback from the lock screen is available on most Android devices. However, the exact steps to enable this feature may vary slightly depending on your device's manufacturer and operating system version.

Q2: Will enabling lock screen controls for Spotify drain my device's battery?
Enabling lock screen controls for Spotify should not significantly impact your device's battery life. The feature is designed to be energy-efficient and only consumes minimal resources when activated.

Q3: Can I use Spotify on the lock screen while my device is locked with a passcode or biometric authentication?
Yes, you can still control Spotify playback from the lock screen even if your device is locked with a passcode or biometric authentication. Simply wake up your device, and you'll be able to access the Spotify controls without unlocking it.

Q4: Are the steps mentioned in this article applicable to older versions of Spotify?
Yes, the steps provided in this article should work for most versions of the Spotify app. However, the app interface and settings may undergo changes over time, so the exact location of certain options might vary.

Q5: Is it necessary to have a premium Spotify subscription to use lock screen controls?
No, you do not need a premium Spotify subscription to use lock screen controls. This feature is available for both free and premium users of the Spotify app on Android.

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